Inspect the bilge ventilation intake and blower ducting for damage or leaks and run the blower to confirm correct operation.Use a wire brush to clean battery terminals, and top off cells with distilled water (if applicable). Clean and tighten electrical connections, especially both ends of battery cables.Every few years, remove and inspect exhaust manifolds and risers for corrosion (for inboard-powered and inboard/outboard boats).Clean or replace fuel filters and/or fuel-water separators if not done before winterization.
#Boatus dock it portable
Ensure portable tanks and lines are completely drained of stale fuel before filling with fresh fuel.
#Boatus dock it cracked
Make sure your engine intake sea strainer (if equipped) is not cracked or bent from ice and is free of corrosion, clean and properly secured.Inspect the hull for blisters, distortions and stress cracks.Check the rudder bearing and steering cable for unusual play or movement. Operate the wheel or tiller to ensure the steering works correctly. Check the rudderstock to ensure it hasn’t been bent.If it’s loose and can be wiggled, the cutless bearing may need to be replaced. Grip the prop (on inboard drive systems) and try moving the shaft up and down and side to side.Inspect prop(s) for dings, pitting and distortion.Inspect all hoses for stiffness, rot, leaks and cracking, and replace any that are faulty.While not technically required, it’s wise to double-clamp whenever possible on all hoses - especially those below the waterline. Double-clamp fuel lines and exhaust hoses with marine-rated stainless-steel hose clamps. Inspect all hose clamps for rust and replace as necessary.Check the condition of antifouling paint and repaint if necessary.